Finish1="Setup has finished installing %P on to your computer.\nSetup can launch the Read Me file now."
Finish2="View the Read Me file now."
Complete="Setup Complete."
TargetDir="Program Files\%C\%P"
Colour="To improve video quality in this product we recomend that you set your display to use more than 256 colors. Please refer to the README file for further advice."
ScreenSize1="This product contains features that will look better if it is displayed at a screen resolution of %s pixels or more. The product will, however, run fine at the current resolution of %s pixels."
ScreenSize2="For more information please refer to the product README file or the documentation that came with your computer."
NoProgFiles="You have not selected to install the program files. These are required to execute the product."
NoSelect="You have not selected to install any components."
RemovableDrive="You have selected to install to a removable device. Please select another drive."
CDDrive="You have selected to install to your CD_ROM. Please select another drive."
NetworkDrive="You have selected to install to a network drive. Please select a fixed drive."
OpSys16="Warning: This product has not been tested and is unsupported on this operating system, although it may work correctly. Supported operating systems are: Microsoft« Windows« 3.1x and Windows« 95."
OpSys32="Warning: This product has not been tested and is unsupported on this operating system, although it may work correctly. The supported operating system is Microsoft« Windows« 95."
DiskSpace="There is not enough space to install %P.\nPlease select another drive or free some disk space."
CopyingSamp="Copying Sampler Files..."
Sampler="%C Sampler"
ReadMe="%C Sampler Read Me"
Install="%P requires QuickTime for Windows version %s.\nIf QuickTime is not installed then %P may not run correctly."
InstallFailed="QuickTime has failed to install correctly. If you experience problems running sound or video, please re-install QuickTime."
Install="%P requires DirectX. If DirectX is not installed then %P may not run correctly."
MoveWinG="Setup has detected that WinG is installed in your Windows directory.\nCopy WingG to your Windows\System directoy?"